Tips to Solve Sanitation Problems in Wedding Events

When planning a wedding, people mainly focus on the general scenery and the decor. However, to ensure your guests are comfortable and fully satisfied, proper sanitation should be taken into account. Poor hygiene practices and poor hygiene at the wedding can lead to severe environmental pollution as well as pose a substantial health risk. To avoid this, every wedding event should have appropriate sanitation facilities that meet the WHO standards. This will considerably lower the risk of contracting hygiene-related illnesses while you enjoy one of the best days of your life. To ensure this takes effect on your wedding day, the following are some useful tips you could implement.

Provision of water for drinking in safe storage containers

Drinking water should be prioritized. This water should be delivered and served in clean containers. Also, the water should be available within reach by all the attendees. The storage containers should be checked thoroughly to ensure they are free from contamination. Alternatively, you can invest in packed water that is verified and ready to drink. The purity and safety of drinking water should be a top priority and should not be compromised at all costs.

Treatment of drinking water with an appropriate technology

The drinking water provided should be treated with the proper technique and measures to keep away all the disease-causing elements. Treatment of water may be quite costly, but it is also one of the most crucial steps to attaining highly effective measures towards achieving proper sanitation. Also, the water used to prepare the meals should be from a verified source with proven quality. Improved quality water eliminates the chances of water-borne diseases in a significant manner.

Provision of water for hand washing

Washing of hands is another essential tip for attaining effective hygiene. The wedding venue should have an easily accessible hand washing station for all. All the guests should be directed to these stations before meals. Hand washing eliminates up to 30% of cases of water-related illnesses. This water should be treated to meet the minimum requirements while eliminating the disease-causing organisms. The best option to use for hand washing is flowing water like tap water as opposed to stagnant water in a basin.

Provision of soap

Soap is known to eliminate bacteria. Thus, soap or hand washing detergents should be provided at the wedding venue for attendees to use for cleaning their hands. This is an affordable and attainable way of eliminating contamination of the food taken and therefore reduces the chances of diseases caused by poor hygiene. The best soap for use at a wedding is a liquid detergent in place of a bar hand cleaning soap.



Ensure accessibility to sanitary facilities

When selecting a wedding venue, ensure there are sanitary facilities located within reasonable proximity. This should take into account for all genders. Also, ensure the facilities are clean and do not pose a threat to the users. For the ladies’ restrooms ensure there are waste bins and waste management systems to properly handle the different kinds of wastes such as used sanitary towels. Proper disposal of human waste reduces the risk of water contamination and waterborne diseases significantly. Also, the restrooms should be a reasonable distance away from the dining area or the cooking area. Besides, the wedding venue should be equipped with waste bins for holding waste and prevent littering around the whole place.

Amid the global hygiene crisis, it is possible to offer simple solutions in public gatherings such as a wedding. According to research by WHO, people with water-borne diseases occupy half of the hospital beds across the world. This number can be lowered notable if the above tips are followed to the letter.

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